Sunday, July 11, 2010

My first post ever and I join a blogbash I am so scared...

Blog Bash

Hi, I am Doug. Many of you already know my mom Angel and if you don't what rock have you been hiding under.Anyway she always seems to be having such fun blogging and I decided if she can do it so can I. This is my first post ever so be gentle with me.. I am a smart alec, fun loving, guitar playing 18 yr old. My mom has done some singing with me and we have some videos on Youtube. 
So now let me answer these questions of Brittany's so I don't get kicked out my first blog. I don't think that would be good would it??  
1.) Why do you blog?
2.) What do you blog about?
3.) What do you find to be the biggest reward you get from blogging?
4.) How long have you been blogging?
5.) Let's hear the story behind your blog title! :) 
1. I started because my mom has met some really great people and I think it is a great way to work through some stuff. I like trying new stuff and meeting new people so why not jump in.
2. I don't know I just started. My mom has blogged about me though does that count? I like music, guitars, and skateboarding. I am a huge fan of Old hard Rock and I also love gospel like Todd Agnew, casting Crowns. I like having fun with my friends, hanging out and just talking online.. I am a social butterfly...
3. Ummm again first time so I have no clue.Meeting new people I guess
4. TODAY.. I know I have been at it so long lol..
5. My favorite line is "Your so special only Rose art includes your color in their crayon box..nuff said..


Unknown said...

So proud of you Doug.. Now if you would only use this talent more often lol. Love ya son

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

No pink button, seriously?! Boo! :D haha jk...

You said Casting Crowns and sung to one of my favorite songs! I officially love you! :) lol

Thanks for participating in the Blog Bash, glad to see another teen blogger in Blogland! Good luck!

Hannah said...

Welcome to the Blog World!!
Can't wait to read more posts from you!
Happy Blog Bash week :)

Unknown said...

lmbo@ Brittany he does a really good gay impersonation all in good fun of course.. he will tell you pink is so his color..

Donda said...

Welcome to Blogging! Your Mama is good people! Your blog looks real kick-butt!!

BNM said...

well i feel like i already know you thru your mom :) anyway welcome to the blogging world & i love the name haha it made me laugh!

Tracie Nall said...

I love the song! Awesome!!

Welcome to blog-land it is a strange and wondrous place!

Homemaker Highlights said...

WTG Doug! We love us some Todd.

Cluttered Brain said...

Love the song!!
Your mama is one of the BEST!!
And if you didn't sing in your first blog post, I was gonna request it..'Cause you sung once with your mom and it was WONDERFUL...
You have a nice voice...Did U teach yourself guitar?

Nice blog post!! for your first bloggy post? it ROCKS!! :)
Welcome to the blogy world..Does this mean you have to share the 'puter with your Mom?
I might have to buy your mom a laptop or something...LOL.
When I hit a million dollars I will...

Dee said...

You had some big shoes to fill...and by gosh you've done it! LOL Welcome to bloggy land.

Psst, you know me, I need some John Cash.... hint!

dot said...

Awesome ,Doug! The next time we are there you need to sing that for Danny - he will Love it! plus I get to hear it again... Bonus!

Adoption of Jane said...

Woot-Woooooooooooot (thats my big ghetto scream) glad to meet ya! I absolutely luv your Mamma! I wish my volume worked on my puter :( one day soon i will get it fixed. You play the guitar, awesome, my son does and he's 19. Here's a little trivia for ya:

Q. Who was the maker of KISS bands exploding Guitars?

A. John Elder Robison. He has Aspergers (a form of Autism, which my son has) and wasn't diagnosed with it until he was in his early 40's. He wrote a book called Look me in the Eye. Awesome book!! If you love to read, ya gotta pick it up.

Ian said...

Congrats yo and let's drive yer momma crazy together!

GuitarPicker4Lyfe said...

ian i agree wit u i believe we r gonna end up having a great friendship lol

Missy said...

Like mama, like son, I say! lol..Welcome to the blogosphere. I see you already hit it off well with the ladies. You got famous in what? 12 HOURS?! I so wish I had that talent. (=

Whitney Black said...

Hey dude I really like your blog, I skate too and I LOVE it, I have for years! I'm your newest follower from BlogBash!